Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Strong Person Vs. A Person of Strength

A strong person works out every day to keep their body in shape...
But a person of strength builds relationships to keep their soul in shape.

A strong person isn't afraid of anything...
But a person of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong person won't let anyone get the best of them...
But a person of strength gives the best of themselves to everyone.

A strong person makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future...
But a person of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings.

A strong person wears a look of confidence on their face...
But a person of strength wears grace.

A strong person has faith that they are strong enough for the journey...
But a person of strength has faith that it is in the journey that they will become strong.

- Author unknown

Thank you Jesus for being the author of strength! Strength in love, integrity, and bold grace! May we pull on your strength as our daily source!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

All dimensions

Last week Elliana had the privilege of holding a 4 day old baby goat - an amazing experience for her! Her school takes the students to help out at an organic farm once a week. She gets to see where food comes from, how to care for God's green earth and growing animals in a respectful way. Her school has nutrition awareness class once a week as well where the kids actually cook healthy meals in the school kitchen. They've made things like hummus, sushi, vegetable stir-fry. There is a school rule that doesn't allow any processed or pre-packaged food for lunch. I love that! Does it take more time to prepare? Yes. Is our children's health worth it? Yes.

I love that many areas (including Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and the documentary Food Inc.) have stretched our family to really look at our eating habits the past few years and redefine what we consider healthy food. I love that we get to teach our kids things like "just b/c it tastes good doesn't mean it's good for you" and "let's be intentional with what we use to fuel our brain and body b/c it has an impact." Mostly, I love that people were willing to share their hearts and habits with me and encourage me to really look at the decisions we make about caring for our bodies. After all, ALL dimensions matter :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I knew

These song lyrics touched my spirit deeply this weekend.
God's grace in infinite! I'm grateful.
Help us to know you God - the true you.
God singing to us: I knew what I was getting into by Misty Edwards

I knew what I was getting into when I called you.
I knew what I was getting into when I said your name, but I said it just the same.
I knew what I was getting into and I still want you.
I knew what I was getting into and I still choose you.

And I am not shocked by your weakness
And I am not shocked even by your sin
And I am not shocked by your brokenness
'Cause only I can see the end from the beginning
And only I can see where this is going

And I see in you the seeds of love
And I see in you strength when all you see is your failure
and all you feel is ashamed.
I can see deeper than that, I know you better than that.

You're only at the beginning, you've only just begun
and I know where you are going.
and all you can see in the moment is that you're hurting.
And all you can see in the moment is that you're aching.

Just don't give up and don't give in
If you don't quit you win, you win
Just don't give up and don't give in
If you don't quit you win, you win!

Everything is in my hands and it's going to be alright
It's going to be okay.
And you don't have to pretend to be something or someone you're not
b/c I know you better than that, even better, even better than that.

I knew what I was getting into when I called you.
I knew what I was getting into when I said your name, but I said it just the same.
I knew what I was getting into and I still want you.
I knew what I was getting into and I still choose you.

Ephesians 2:10 (MSG) "We neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving."

Friday, May 6, 2011


Perhaps the best Mother's Day gift I could have received!

Yesterday, Dakota's teacher sent out an email with each child's response to the question, "What do you love about your Mommy?" Dakota responded, "She makes lunch with me and eats with me.  She plays dodge ball with me.  She teaches me about Jesus."

The best gift we can give our children is an understanding and love for Jesus so they'll trust Him and desire to continue connecting with Him as they mature.
Grateful for the little people God let's me mother and love on this earth!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Family means...

There are 2 quotes from Disney movies that our kids love about families.
1) Family one gets left behind 
2) Family means...we look out for each other.
I love these! Let's be intentional and do this! After all, isn't this God's heart?! Let's share the good news of the gospel in such a loving way it's compelling. Let's help people feel welcomed into the family of Christ!

What does family mean to you?
What could it mean if Christ were at the center of our homes and relationships?
Such potential for profound connection!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


A few years back my older sister, Jennifer, did a Bible study on the fruits of the Spirit. She shared her wisdom and it got me thinking... let's live the gospel in such a way that Christ through us brings Galatians 5:22-23 (But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!) to reality in every day living. With God's promise to transform us and make us a new creation (Galatians 6:14-16) there will be evidence in the fruit of whether we've surrendered ALL of us over to Christ daily or tried to hold back some areas from His leadership.

So as our kids began school we started talking about fruit in our lives of Christ's gift of salvation. We began to ask intentional questions at the end of the school day. Not just, "How was your day?" or "What did you learn today?" but questions about the fruit of the Spirit.
"When did you practice self-control today?"
"What moments did you feel God's strength giving you patience when you felt frustrated?
"Did you witness others being kind?"
You get the point. Some may think, what 4 or 5 year old understands that? Well, when it's the language that we begin to use on a regular basis the kids actually begin looking for the fruits of the Spirit. They become excited to share about it. They've also begun praying for the fruits of the Spirit before school for themselves, their teachers and their classmates. What a beautiful space a school would be to see Jesus face all over a classroom that is displaying - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. What a beautiful space it would be in our homes to show evidence of Christ in our lives through these fruits of the Spirit.

Do we fall short each day - Yes. It's a great opportunity to work on sincere apologies and forgiveness b/c it's doubtful we'll ever get all 9 of them on any one day with our own strength. But with God's intentional transformation in our lives, our willingness to surrender, and the power of the Holy Spirit, beautiful, connected relationships can thrive in our homes, schools and communities with such fruitiness :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


As I was picking up our 7 year old, Elliana, from Good Shepherd Montessori School yesterday I saw one of her classmates walking home. On his usual afternoon stroll home he was picking up trash along the way. To him it's no big deal; it's just what you do. I LOVE THAT! People who are able to think OUTSIDE themselves. Beautiful!

As I dropped our 5 year old, Kya, off at Marquette Montessori Academy this morning he entered his school and turned back to wave out the glass door. What he noticed was a mom coming his way holding a baby in a carrier. Instantly, he re-opened the door and graciously held it open until she made her way into the building. To him it's no big deal; it's just what you do. I LOVE THAT! The mom had a huge smile of joy, gratitude and surprise on her face. Priceless. Passing on Jesus love to others by thinking OUTSIDE of ourselves.

Let's model in such a way that these behaviors are the New Normal and not the exception.